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Let's talk about the market

Café des Courtiers: Le courtage, une nouvelle culture ?

Café des Courtiers: L'honnêteté est clé dans ma carrière (Eric Henchoz)

Café des Courtires: La Gestion des risques en Suisse

Legal cases

During this Café des Courtiers we talk about legal cases. It is interesting to know that 80% of disputes are handled during mediations. Legal protection insurance is therefore important in order to best manage your interests during this stage.

Café des Courtiers: Mortgage Services 

In this Café des Courtiers, we discuss mortgage approaches. The right questions to ask, the mistakes to avoid, the usual mechanisms that are often wrong, the importance of analysis and of looking at something other than the best rate. 

Jacques Chapuis, Ecole La Source

Listening to the market is part of our daily activities.  Our Talkshow series offers you podcasts to listen to quietly in audio or video mode.   For this talkshow, we met Jacques Chapuis, director of the Ecole de la Santé La Source.  He talks about the evolution in the world of health, the changes in the nursing profession and the impact of technology in this sector.  Have a good listen. 

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