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"It's at Perennial"

Perennial provides services that provide its customers with the means to prevent the risk of absences and eliminate the last administrative friction in the management of accident and illness claims.

Claim by Perennial 

Declare to

insurance and


Simply declare and indemnify.

Claims by Perennial

Claim benefits

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Insurance declaration

Sends illness, maternity, accident and trifle reports directly to the insurance company.

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Auto-complete forms

Each declaration is pre-filled with the employee's data and depending on the absence or accident in question.

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Monitoring of medical certificates

Manage certificates and their validity dates, send to insurance and stay informed as soon as a certificate is to be renewed.

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Notifications of reportable cases

Automatic invitation to report accidents or absences exceeding the waiting period.

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Configuring fonts and covers

Configure several insurance policies, Biings applies the cover rules and informs you of the cases to be compensated.

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Calculation of compensation

Add for each case the amount of allowances received, Biings displays the total received as well as the pending allowances.

Pilot by ISMAT

Analyze and monitor groups at risk.

Analysis and HR indicators of absences and climate.

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12-month rolling analysis

Real-time, rolling 12-month statistics to understand trends and the social climate in each team.

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Detection of risk areas
Analysis filters by department, profession, age, seniority, gender, activity rate (and more depending on the data available).
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Case analysis
Display of total cases and days across six duration categories (from very short to long duration, up to 720 days).
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Calculation of absence rate

Rate indicator (general and by segment) as well as that of short and long-term absences.

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Overload indicator
By organizational unit, profession, age, seniority, gender and activity rate (more depending on available data .
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Display of actual trends
The best forecasting tool, the analysis of trends in the number of cases provides a 6-month / 1-year view of the evolution of the absence rate.

Care by Clinique du travail

Monitor absences, coordinate actions.

Coordinate follow-up. Stay informed on each file.

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Preventive workflows

Careful follow-up workflows designed to manage absences and daily worrying cases.

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Administrative alerts

Pre-defined reminders for all deadlines and deadlines related to the absence or follow-up action in case management.

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Assecurological monitoring table

Visual summary for each employee of all ongoing and planned follow-up actions and for each absence.

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Detection of cases of concern

Employees with worrying chronicity are immediately recognized and brought to the attention of Managers and HR.

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HR tutorial

Guide for Manager and HR incorporating healthy and preventive practices for managing absences and conducting interviews.

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Timeline of follow-ups by actor

Independent timeline for each actor involved in the monitoring of an employee.

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Preventive management

Choose among the preventive Worfklows those you want to activate in your teams. Our tool takes over and recommends to managers the best preventive actions to take, and transfers to HR only the most worrying cases. Your health policy is respected and applied.

1-on-1 reminders / (returns, appraisal, HR) /leave and return to work notifications / worrying persons awarness / 

repetitive absences notification

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Administrative deadlines reminders

The multiplicity of absences makes it hard to keep up with all cases and their numerous deadlines. Our tool tracks every cases and notifies the right person when something needs to be done so that you can focus on their return rather than their absence.

Manage absences like projects!

Each case of long-term absence requires complex multidisciplinary support. Our tool helps HRs and specialists share their actions in one place to coordinate follow-ups and reduce delays.

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Capture d’écran 2021-02-16 à 11.57.56.

File claims quickly and hassle-free.

For each accident, sickness or maternity report all required fields are automatically completed. Just hit "Submit" and you're done. Claims are directly sent to your insurance who can start the compensation process right away.

  • Set up your insurances policies
    Add your insurance coverage and employee benefits conditions and Biings will do the rest.
    You can add multiple coverages with different insurances. Biings will know how to pick to correct one.


  • An absence occurs..
    You don't have to do anything. Biings will automatically check if the sickness or accident matches with any of your insurance coverage.

  • Get notified when a claim is ready
    As soon as an absence should be reported to one of your insurances, Biings notifies you and prepares a claim report ready to be reviewed.

  • Hit "Submit"
    Claim reports are automatically filled out based on employees details and your company's information. Biings lets you review the claim and hit "submit".

  • Done.
    Your claim is immediately sent to the insurance who can start the compensation process.
    The claim number appears as soon as the claim is received.
    (with compatible insurance companies)

  • Keep sending medical certificats
    With a simple drag and drop, easily send new medical certificates or other documents to the insurance. Everything always stays linked to the current claim.

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To try is to adopt it

Schedule a demo of the tool.

TEL. +41 (0)21 804 84 84

Square des Places 1
CH – 1700 Fribourg
TEL. +41 (0)26 309 23 54
POR. +41 (0)78 604 96 96


TEL. +41 (0)21 804 84 85



Route du Landar 97 

1093 La Conversion 

+41 (0) 21 804 84 85


Route de Cugy 19

CH - 1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
TEL. +41 (0)21 711 27 82

  • Perennial Facebook
  • Perennial Linkedin
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